The SAFEZONE team represents a mix of research centers, universities and sports organizations in Italy, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia.

IPRS – Istituto Psicoanalitico Per le Ricerche Sociali


Since 1987 we have been using our expertise in the fields of psychology and social science to study and analyze the changes occurring in contemporary society. 

A great deal of our work focuses on phenomena such as social hardship, marginalization, deviance, discrimination and racism not only because tending to those in need is inherent from a clinical perspective but also because we feel a strong commitment from a social and ethical point of view. When we first started dealing with these social phenomena the psychoanalytic paradigm was still culturally dominant. 

Now, after many years, although the innovative capacity of psychoanalysis seems to have diminished, it is evident that many of the concepts it introduced are still widely recognized. During the past thirty years the world has changed considerably: phenomena which were only just starting to emerge, such as immigration, have now become structural; families are now configured in ways which were unimaginable in the past; certain sexual behaviors, although still widely stigmatized, have now gained a facade of tolerance; the revolution in communications and travel has completely changed the world. 

And yet, the tragedy of social and individual suffering is continuously being renewed. We are forever having to witness the humiliation of people stripped of their dignity, situations of unacceptable poverty, stolen childhoods and the constant struggle of the educational and rehabilitative services. Thus, it is necessary, using various theoretical approaches, to regard the complexity of these phenomena. 

Psychoanalysis for example, when it does not slip into a merely conciliatory and consoling dimension but maintains its explanatory power, is capable of just that, looking into the Acheron of human destinies. We have been able to put all this into practice thanks to a multitude of National and European projects covering a variety of issues such as; juvenile unrest, immigration and integration policies, deviance and the justice systems, education and the battle against school dropout, voluntary work and active citizenship. 

Working on these projects has allowed us to come into contact and collaborate with colleagues from other research institutes and universities, people from whom we have learned greatly and with whom we have, in some cases, also formed strong bonds. Registered as a Private Research Institute at the MIUR, the National Education, University and Research Ministry, we operate both in Italy and in Europe with local, regional and National public administrations, universities and public and private research centers.



CSI is a non-profit association, based on voluntary work, promoting sport as a moment of education, growth, social engagement and aggregation, prompted by the Christian vision of man and history at the service of the people and the territory. 

Among the most ancient sports promoting associations in our country, CSI meets the demand of a sport that is not only numerical, but also qualified on the professional, human and social level. Youngsters always make up our main reference point, even if the promoted sports activities are devoted to any age bracket. Educating through sports is the mission of CSI. 

This is consolidated in the procedure and conscience of the association on all levels. Sport intended by CSI can also be a prevention instrument of some particular social pathologies such as loneliness, fears, dreads, doubts, deviances of the youngest. CSI is a sports promoting institution spread all over the national territory acknowledged by the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI). It is recognized by the Italian Episcopal Conference as a Christian inspired association. 

It is recognized by the Interior Department as a national institution with charitable aims. 

It is registered in the national register of Social Promotion Associations, recognized by the Ministry of Work and Social Policies. It is recognized by the Department of Education, University and Scientific Research as an accredited institution for the formation of school staff. 

It has stipulated an understanding protocol for the organization and promotion of sensitization and information actions devoted to students, teachers and parents on the value of sports practice as well as formation, updating pathways and meeting occasions for teachers and parents. 

It has an understanding protocol with the Ministry of Justice to promote reinsertion and social inclusion activities devoted to the youngest moving around in the external penal area. 

It is an institution accredited by the National Office for Civil Service to manage projects of voluntary civil service. It is a member of the National Court of Laical Aggregation (Cnal). 

It represents Italy internationally within the Fédération Internationale Catholique d’Education Physique et Sportive (Ficep), gathering the catholic sports associations from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, Poland, Slovak Republic, Switzerland at present, besides some sports groups from Madagascar and the former Yugoslavia. 

It is a member of the Permanent Forum in the Third Sector and has signed cooperation conventions with the Italian Parents Association, with the Childline, etc.


  • 1,354,072 Athletes. Of these 571.008 are young people under 20 and 9.197 are athletes with disabilities
  • 12.708 Sports clubs, of which 707 with disabled athletes.
  • 40.142 Teams, including 18.426 youth teams and 1.740 teams with disabled athletes
  • 122 Done sports disciplines
  • 3.539 Tournaments per year
  • 361.278 Competitions per year
  • 139 Territorial sees
  • 19 Regional sees
  • 132.338 Trainers, animators, referees, judges and executives
  • 6.881.576 Yearly hours of free engagement and voluntary work

CJD – Christliches Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands


The Christian Youth Village Foundation of Germany (Short: CJD) is one of the big non profit organisation in Germany engaged in the welfare and education of young people.
It offers children, juveniles and adults schooling and training, mentorship and support. Each year more then 155.000 people participate in CJD programmes at 150 locations all over the country. Each branch of CJD organises its work autonomously within the guidelines of CJD.

CJD Nord represents the federal states of Schleswig–Holstein and mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the north of Germany works in various fields: vocational training/second labour market, youth exchange, employment/qualification; in the field of migration/integration; assistance for families bringing up children.
The CJD Nord is extensivley involved in conducting European exchange and research projects on issues of radicalisation prevention, migration, juvenile justice and other youth topics.

Alma Mater Europaea


Alma Mater Europaea – European Centre, Maribor (AMEU-ECM) is an academic community, a private organization, organized as a non-profit organization, registered for carrying out higher education activities, that offers 24 study programmes at all three Bologna cycles. AMEU-ECM is specifically focused on interdisciplinary education in career-deficient fields of study. Highest quality standards, a scientific, practical approach and the use of innovative teaching and learning methods are part of all courses.

After 11 years of existence, AMEU ECM now educates over 1,200 students in four study centres in Slovenia and is proud to have graduated more than 500, including PhD.

Under the patronage of the European Academy of Science and Arts, AMEU ECM strives to mold a new international leadership elite in the fields of education, ecology, health, business, humanities and intercultural communication, dedicated to Central Europe and the Danube region.

AMEU-ECM is also very active in development of new study programmes that have a transnational influence (Danube region). We are particularly active in the area of health sciences, environmental issues, inter-generational and cross-cultural dialogue, management and business, as well as humanities.

AMEU-ECM is working on improvements of higher education and research offer in the region, while at the same time setting up and promoting bilateral and transnational connections between higher education institutions, think tanks and research organizations. AMEU-ECM educates by supporting development of professional standards, European values, maintenance of natural resources, ecology, renewable energy, capital and work; and as an academic community contributes to the development of the European economic, political and cultural space. Due to excellent support of the local communities and academic circles, material infrastructure and good working conditions, the seat remains in Maribor. AMEU-ECM has a network of 40 academics, research and civil society institutions from 12 EU and non-EU countries. A number of specialists work with AMEU-ECM in different roles. They can cover all required domains and deliver all planned outputs of work packages lead by AMEU-ECM, which will be used during and a long time after project closure, by its defined target groups: clusters (SMEs), R&D institutions, universities, supporting organizations, big companies and the public sector.

AMEU ECM also strongly invests in the research and development of projects dedicated to education and solutions related to health, social, environmental and political challenges. Therefore, the international cooperation with HEI’s and stakeholders from the industry is AMEU’s strongest priority. At the moment AMEU ECM cooperates with more than 150 international and national institutions in education, research, publication and joint projects.

AMEU ECM employs its teaching and administrative staff in different proportions from 15% up to 100% of employment. All together there are 42 persons employed at AMEU ECM, and 180 of them working with AMEU ECM as external co-workers.

AMEU-ECM’s vision is to become an international and European university, a Centre of excellence in education and research, that will through strategic and applicative development help in solving economic, technical, social-political, ecological, climate and intercultural problems of central Europe, especially the Danube and the Balkan area.

The Portuguese Sport and Youth Institute (IPDJ)


The Portuguese Sport and Youth Institute (IPDJ) has the mission of executing an integrated and decentralized policy for the areas of sport and youth, in close collaboration with public and private entities, namely with sports organizations, youth associations, students associations and local authorities.

IPDJ intervenes in the definition, execution and evaluation of public sport policy, promoting the generalization of sport, as well as supporting regular and high-performance sports through the provision of technical, human and financial means. The preservation of ethics in sport is also one of the essential scopes of IPDJ.

Similarly, IPDJ aims to boost support for associations, volunteering and promotion of citizenship, free time occupation, non-formal education, information and geographical mobility of young people in Portugal and abroad. It is also proposed to revitalize youth tourism, through the youth hostel network and the Youth Card, in order to increase mobility, with gains in efficiency and economy.